Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Electrochemical Sensor Chip

                The electrochemical sensor chip is the backbone of our sensor technology. On each sensor chip, 16 independent assays can be performed for 16 different assays. With GeneFluidics’ novel electrochemical detection platform, it enables the achievement of ultra-high sensitivity without target amplification or purification, such as PCR, by combining the established technologies of hybridization and antigen/antibody interactions with well characterized electrochemical measurement techniques.

            Our sensor chip’s surface can even be modified to better fit your needs. The types of surface modifications we can provide include sensors with bare Au, a high or low density carboxylic, streptavidin, and even customized surfaces.

            Our detection mechanism is able to yield such great results because our sensor chip is a full representation of our patented sensor fabrication and electrochemical detection platform. Our sensor technology enables quantification of nucleic acids and proteins in even raw samples such as blood, urine, and saliva. The sensor surfaces are functionalized to bind specifically to the target molecule, so that when the sample is added, only the specific binding occurs at the functionalized sensor. So during the wash, all of the non-specific binding is washed away. Using this method, our electrochemical detection platform is able to yield precise and quantitative results in under an hour.

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